Grow your Instagram followers in just 2 steps in 2020

Growing an Instagram account with free Instagram followers can be a very challenging task. But if you succeed at it, you will profit greatly from it so it is worth the effort. The benefits of having a large account with very many followers include massive brand exposure, ability to make money and scale up your business by selling products and services to a large audience and being an influencer marketer for other brands and products or services – another source of income.

While the process of building a large following on Instagram can be worth it as highlighted above, without a proper Instagram growth strategy, it can take many months, or even years to grow your account. As a result of this many people resort to bots and Instagram followers apps to get Instagram followers free.

The problem is, a lot of these third-party apps do not bring you real followers and can even harm your Instagram growth efforts. Also, because you do not have real followers, engagement on your account will be very low. In cases where you also make use of bots to create fake engagement, you will be unable to make money from them because bots don't buy goods and services.

What you need is not tips and tricks. You need a solid Instagram growth strategy.

We are interested in helping you grow your account so we will quickly shed some light on what a good Instagram growth strategy should contain and how it helps you get Instagram followers free.

3 Components of a Great Instagram Growth Strategy

This is not an exhaustive list but at the core, a great Instagram growth strategy should have the following.

1. Content: A strategy for creating great content is important. If you get everything else right and you have poor content, your entire strategy will fail. And your content must speak to your target audience.

2. Consistency: The need to be consistent in your efforts cannot be overemphasized. Once Instagram notices you are consistently posting content, the values of your account to them will increase. This will result in more exposure.

3. Community: When you start building your Instagram account you need a community to help push you up till your account gains enough traction to grow by itself. Many people go about it in different ways but the best way is to use a good third-party app like GetInsta.

One reason this app is so effective at helping you grow your Instagram account is that it is built on a community of Instagram users who will follow and engage with your posts (like your posts). The more free Instagram followers you get from this app and the more free Instagram likes you get the more your account shows up in the explore page. This means more exposure. As a result, your account will begin to grow organically.

To use GetInsta free followers app,

1. Download it from Google Play Store (for Android) or the official website (for Windows PC).

2. Install it and register an account or sign up.


3. Once done, log in and choose the Instagram account you want to get free Instagram followers and likes for.

4. Complete tasks to get more coins. (Upon signing on you will be given some free coins to begin with, but that will not be enough so you have to complete tasks to get more).

5. Post a task to be completed (either a follow task or a like task).

6. If you don’t have the time for that, you can simply buy followers with money. It is the same as posting tasks to be completed but instead of spending your coins, you spend money.

7. Once your tasks have been published you can monitor them from the “Task List”.

8. Repeat the process every time you need more free Instagram followers or free Instagram likes.

Now that you have the core of the Instagram growth strategy and the tools you need, get to work and grow your account.

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