How to Write Strong Conclusion that Rocks Your Readers' Mind

Blog posts and articles are made to impress and to cause some kind of reaction from the audience. That’s why writers struggle so much, trying to come with catchy headlines, intriguing opening, and strong texts that are able not only to grab the readers’ attention but to hold it until the very end.

However, when everything of the above is done and done perfectly, you might find yourself wondering how to wrap it up right. If your text is awesome, its conclusion has to be awesome too – but after you’d put so many efforts into all of the above, the conclusion might be hard to create. What do you have to say when it seems like you’ve already said everything?

Why is it so important to write a conclusion?

First, we would like you to think about why it is so important to write a strong conclusion. When you put so many efforts into writing the text, does it really matter what is said at the end? Yes, it is. It is just as important as writing the whole text because the conclusion will be the last thing your readers will remember and it will affect their impression. Our mind tends to remember the last thing we read, not the thing that impressed us the most during the reading process.

Moreover, these days the internet is filled with all kinds of articles. Being overloaded with information, your readers still decide to read your text, spending their time and attention on that. That’s why you have to thank them for that, showing that it was worthwhile with the help of a strong conclusion.

Second, we want, to offer you some tips that will make the whole conclusion writing process much easier.

1. Make it a synopsis.

Some writers try to add something that hadn’t been said in the text to the conclusion. Some writers try to turn it into something completely different from the whole text. However, a conclusion has to be what it is supposed to be – a brief synopsis of the whole text above, accompanied with some sort of your opinion.

The tricky thing here is that has to repeat the whole text, but look different at the same time. By the time your audience will finish reading the whole text, it could be hard for them to keep all the important things in mind. That’s why a conclusion has to repeat them, making it sound differently from the whole text. Moreover, this synopsis doesn’t have to be long – its size depends on the post, but 50-100 words are usually enough.

2. Appeal to emotions.

A good text has to provoke a strong emotional reaction. Most of the writers do keep this in mind during the whole writing process and know very well what emotions they want to awake in their readers. It’s good when the conclusion addresses these emotions well, pairing up with the readers’ mental state. It feels natural and good this way.

For example, if your article addresses a certain problem, it’s good to raise some important questions in the conclusion. And if your article is supposed to be motivating or educational, it’s good to encourage the readers in some way at the end.

3. Be positive and inspiring.

Positive impression always lasts longer and gets remembered better. That’s why you have to make the conclusion as inspiring as possible. However, that’s not the only reason.

A well-written text can have a very powerful impact on one’s life, encouraging this person to do something. That’s why you should miss an opportunity to do so, ending it with an inspiring conclusion. In this case, the conclusion has to look similar to the opening, being just as strong as encouraging.

4. Use some kind of a call-to-action.

We know that call-to-action is a powerful marketing tool. Despite knowing that, not all of us use it in texts. Some texts don’t actually need it – they are provocative enough on their own and have enough cliffhangers that push the readers to react in some way. However, other texts might need this.

Why is call-to-action so important? Because the texts with comments look more interesting to the readers and because call-to-action is not always about comments only. For example, it can also encourage your readers to share your posts on social media, to subscribe to get more articles, and so on.

You can do it in so many ways. Ask questions so the readers can answer them in comments. Encourage them to share their own experience. Inspire them to act. Ask them to share this information, and so on. Choose the way that seems the most appropriate to you and related to the article’s mood as well.

Of course, a strong conclusion isn’t the only thing that is needed to make your article good enough. It’s important to make the whole article interesting, to know how to grab and hold the readers’ attention, to use proofreading and editing services in order to make it better.

However, a strong conclusion is able to add a great final touch to the whole article, giving the readers enough inspiration, encouraging them to take action, and, of course, leaving them with the nice last impression (that is going to be lasting too). That’s why it is so important to work hard on it in order to make it look as good as possible.

Maybe you have developed your own tips that help you create strong conclusions? Or maybe you have some stories about how exactly did strong conclusion affect your feedback, conversion, and traffic? In any case, feel free to share your experience as well as your tips in the comment section below. It would be interesting both for us and for our readers to read them.

Author Bio: Lori Wade is a freelance content writer for Thriving Writer who is interested in a wide range of spheres from education and online marketing to entrepreneurship. She is also an aspiring tutor striving to bring education to another level like we all do. Lori is used to handling many writing orders at the same time and as she likes sharing her ideas and experience, she decided to write a great article for you to show how multiple tasks should be dealt with. If you are interested in writing, you can find her on Twitter or find her on other social media. Read and take over Lori’s useful insights!

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