This is not he first time Myspace has been under attack. The potential threat to the Myspace is the out casting of the accounts for longer periods. Hackers who have been observing the decimating of the Myspace social networking platform had exploited some attacks recently where they revealed the private data of the users on hackers forum.
Like any social networking platform, Myspace also have the user privacy protecting mechanisms if which are not taken care will turn against their own will. If you are having a Myspace account and though you are not using it anymore, follow these tips to keep your private data more secured and non-hackable.
I have no much details on my Myspace account. Should I still worry?
Don’t settle down with ‘No much details’ thing. Anything that has to be seen behind the password wall is a protectable detail.
Follow these steps and take recommended actions to protect private data from hacked Myspace account.
1. The first and foremost action to take it to change the password of your Myspace account. Because it is the first door to step-in for the hacker. It at least blocks the hacker from accessing your account another time.
2. Set your profile accessing permissions to private. Do not allow access to public visitors to see your profile. Go to Settings > Privacy and set the Profile Privacy to Restricted Profile.
3. Myspace’s ad-technology uses your personal and registered information to deliver targeted ads based on your interests. Choose not to receive such emails as they can pose more threat to the personal information if their ad-technology get hacked.
Go to Advertise from the Privacy options and select I do not want to receive…
4. If you are no more using the Myspace account and you don’t want to delete it, better remove the photos from it rather than leaving them for predators – especially ladies should take care of this.
5. Also, remove the profile information like the place you live and phone number if any given. Make sure the hacker won’t get access to your contact details which can worsen the situation.
In case of precise security measures, removing photos from the profile also helps you protect the private data from a hacked Myspace account.
Hope that helps!
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