Make Money with Apple’s Affiliate Program

Apple have made a lot of money from you in the form of new versions of iDevices, upgrades, music, eBooks and apps from the store. Now it’s your turn to take the favor back.

Apple allows developers and marketers to promote their products and apps in the store and pay commissions for the conversions they bring complying with their guidelines.

Why Apple affiliates?

As you know, there are many Apple freaks in the world who can afford to buy apple products at any cost. Those who bought Apple devices, would not hesitate to buy music, apps, software and eBooks from iTunes, App Store, iBooks and the Mac App Store.

So the probability of buying or not buying from the Apple store is more compared to any other stores like Google Play.

Signing up for the affiliate program

You need to sign up for the program before you start making money with the Apple affiliate program.

To register,
  1. Go to and click on Apply now.
  2. The sign up process will take you through 4-steps that includes the asking of your contact information, public information, PHG terms & conditions and confirmation.
  3. When you are done with the final step, you will get a confirmation email like as shown below,
  4. It took an hour for me to get the approval email and it may take more or less time for you than that. So, wait till you get the confirmation email. Once you got the confirmation email, you can start referring the apple store products and start earning from it.

Signing in and earning

  1. To start earning, sign in to your affiliate account and click on Tools.
  2. Go through the guidelines once before you get started. The dashboard provides the following tools that give the flexibility of integrating the product links in the site.
    1. Link Maker – Allows you to create links to the specific product in the store.
    2. Widget Builder – Can create widgets that allow you to explore products, music, apps and more right from your website without leaving it.
    3. RSS Feed Generator – Allows incorporating lists for top music, apps, books and more. Adding this feed to your website allows you to view them using the standard feed reader.
    4. Banner Builder – Allows you to create banners of different products from the store.
    5. Auto Link Maker – It makes the job easy for you. It will convert all of the apple store links into your affiliate links with just one-time installation of JavaScript snippet on your website.
  3. Along with these tools, there available some advanced linking tools for developers and webmasters to integrate the APIs on their websites.
You can promote the products like the way I promoted them simply for the first time on Amfas Tech. Read that article here.

Generating reports

It is good to keep track of the reports to know what your site visitors like to download the most from Apple stores. It helps you later in improvising your marketing strategies as well.

Setting payment options

Set your payment options from Settings > Payments. Once you reach the threshold, you can get paid by generating a self-bill invoice for all approved sales.

There is no minimum threshold set by Apple. So you can set your own by entering the value in the minimum payment threshold field.

You can also choose to create the self-bill invoices automatically on a particular date on a month or when threshold meets.

Also, you can generate multiple payment methods as per your comfort.


Navigate through the dashboard before you just start earning from the Apple store. It will make you understand more about the affiliate program.

Wish you all the best! Don’t forget to share your happiness when you with us when you get your first payment. Apple rocks!

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