Apple pays tribute to Robin Williams through their website, features Robin Williams on home page

Apple pays tribute to the American actor and stand-up comedian Robin Williams in a different way, featuring his loss on their home page. It is known that Mr.Williams was found lifeless in his home at Tiburon, California on Monday.


Apple joins the rest of the mourning fans by placing a smiley face of Robin with the tribute message saying ”We are deeply saddened by the passing of Robin Williams. He inspired us through his passion, his generosity, and the gift of laughter. He will be greatly missed.” on their website’s home page.

Robin Williams is the third public figure to get featured on Apple website’s home page where as Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela stands in first and second places in public figures category respectively. Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs was the first to be commemorated, as was board member Jerry York.

Robin Williams is one of my all-time favorite actors of Hollywood. I was fascinated by his amazing performance in Bicentennial Man, Jumanji and Mrs.Doubt Fire in my childhood. May his soul rest in peace!

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