Track what they are doing with your iPhone when you are not there

You probably don't mind friends taking your mobile phone and juggle the applications often. It is Ok if you lock down your messages and personal stuff that cannot be shared with anyone. If not, you should pay attention to this article.

Sometimes people around us would want to have hands on experience on our iPhone or iPad. At those times, we cannot only resist but also feel uncomfortable about the personal stuff. So it is better to lock down personal stuff as said before. On other side of the coin, what if they grab your phone and play with it for sometime when you are asleep or went somewhere forgetting it at home?

Worried? Want to know what was accessed in your absence? - This is what i'm going to talk about in this article.

A wonderful iOS application called Catchr is available for iDevices to track the activity on them. By using this, you can track what applications are opened at what times. This application is helpful in finding our who is doing what on your phone either in your presence or absence.

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About Catchr

This app was developed by NordLogic. Regarding the Catchr application, they say
Catchr gives you peace of mind by allowing you to find out if anybody used your phone while you were away. It can tell you if your phone has been moved and which applications have been started or stopped. It also plots on a map where your phone’s been during the time Catchr was running.
The latest version was released a couple of days before. This 22MB heavy application supports English, Dutch, Romanian and Japanese languages. This application is compatible with iOS 6.0 or later operating systems.

Download Catchr for your iDevice

Don't forget to Play 007 background music when you start the application ;) Later!

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