Hacking Windows 8 or 7 Administrator Account through Command Prompt

We have discussed about bypassing login password of Windows 8 or 7 so far. It was a method to get back your password forgotten windows account. But this trick is somewhat different. It is like changing Windows users passwords a bit but in a total geeky way.

This method of changing passwords for different users(including administrator) is useful when he/she forgets the password for his/her local windows account. It is not recommended to use it for illegal purposes.

All you have to do is open CMD with Administrator privileges and type the following command:

net user [username]

Replace [username] with the local username of your computer and Hit Enter. You will be shown the information related to that user. That information includes the following data,

You can notice the detail 'User may change password' set to 'Yes' from the above screenshot. If this is set to 'No' it is not possible to do this hack. Here you should also notice the detail showing 'Local Group Memberships' with 'Administrators' privileges. So it means, I'm allowed to change the password for this administrator account.

After you make sure it is allowed to change the password, type the following command to perform the hack.

net user [username] *

Replace [username] with local username and Hit enter. You will be asked to enter new password, type a new password and press enter. Then asks you to confirm the password, enter it again and hit enter to finish the process. If you have successfully entered the same password twice, it will show you a success message saying 'The command completed successfully' as shown in the screenshot below.

Remember, when entering the new password, blank spaces will be shown for characters you enter. Don't get panic when you notice this.

You can change password for any account like this by just replacing the username with the local user account name.

This method is dangerous sometimes. You may lost access to your computer and data when you give your PC into wrong hands. So be careful with whom you give your computer to.

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