Are you worried about your content of the website being snatched. You may use JavaScript to disable the right click on the website. Adding too more snippets may cause your webpage load slower than before each time to add a snippet. Rather than that JavaScript may not work on some browsers on which it is disabled or may throw a buggy instances sometimes.

So as to overcome this problem I have come up with a new technique to disable right click the websites. It is just simple line of attribute we add to the <body> tag of the blogger/website code.
You can disable the right click on your website without using any java script by using the following technique.
1. Login To Your Blogger Dashboard.
2. Go To Template.
3. Click On Edit Html .
4. Now find <body> code in your blog.
5. Now Replace it with <body oncontextmenu='return false;'>
6. That’s it! now just go to your blog and try to right click.
Comment below if you want any assistance or you have any queries regarding the code implementation.
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